Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Definition: (informal adj) - cranky, scatty, hare-brained, eccentric

Il est bizarre ce mec, toujours avec ses projets farfelus. - That guy is strange, always with these hare-brained plans.

Il y a plus de gens farfelus aujourd'hui qu'hier. - There are more eccentric people today than yesterday.

My dear old dad just gave me a case of wine that he and his pals made. It's a California Syrah. My dad wanted to call it Château Terrific, but they named it Farfelu. I think the name is fitting.


Anonymous said...

And the verdict is? BTW, I'd pay money to hear your dad say 'chateau terrific' !

Kristin Tieche said...

Farfelu is quite tasty!

It's pretty funny hearing my dad say that one too!