Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How Yoga Changed My Life

2001 began the year that I went through my first massive (and I mean massive) heartbreak. It was also the year I started doing Ashtanga yoga on a regular basis. While my other friends were running marathons and pushing to the extremes at the gym or elsewhere, I learned the concept of ahisma - non-violence toward yourself. This concept led me into directions I never before considered. It led me to self-acceptance and compassion toward others. It led me to the idea that through breathing, I could get through any difficult situation.

And now, 13 years later, I can present this short film I edited for an organization called yogaHOPE. It is a film about women in Haiti who have experienced sexual abuse and trauma, and are learning to heal through yoga and meditation. Please watch this film, and if it moves you, please consider making a year-end donation to yogaHOPE.

Narrated by the amazing, inspirational Amanda Palmer.

Thursday, September 12, 2013