Monday, May 07, 2007

le jour de gloire est arrivé

No, I am not speaking of the Sarkozy victory in France. However, congratulations to him and I hope that he can get the Vème République back on track. Riots did ensue after the election results were announced, but not on the grand scale some feared, or at least that is what is being reported. So he's got a plan for his first 100 days in office, including disbanding the 35 hour work week. Désolée, mes amis!

Back to the good news to which I referred in the subject line of this post. My good friend Estelle, une française from Albertville, received notice on Friday that she won the lottery. Not the California lottery, but the green card lottery! Estelle called me ecstatically and insisted that we go out and faire la fête. We met up with my pals Gabriela and Melanie whom I know from the year I lived in Grenoble. We reminisced about the year we spent in France, and perhaps it was the many margaritas we had been drinking, but we started singing all the classic and not-so-classic French songs we could possibly remember, starting with "69 année érotique" to "Thaïe Nana" and of course "La Marseillaise." Gabriela filmed the karaoke session, and we must have been a sight to see and hear among all the Cinco de Mayo revelers along Valencia Street that evening. We momentarily toyed with the idea of singing Mexican songs in honor of the holiday, but nothing came to mind and we quickly broke into another round of "Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais!"

J'adore la France! Even though it's turning into a right-wing haven for skinheads!


Anonymous said...

Considering that Cinco de Mayo isn't Mexican Independence day but the commemoration of kicking the French troops under Maximillian out, y'all were somewhat culturally insensitive. ;)

Kristin Tieche said...

I knew that, but I was too drunk with folly to remember at the time!

Anonymous said...

Even the losers have the right to sing of their demise...