Tuesday, September 04, 2007

i would if i could

I could write about how I didn't go to Burning Man this year.
I could write about how I feel a bit envious of the tired-looking people in the dusty RV's that I keep seeing rolling back into San Francisco.
I could write about the most excellent weekend I had here in SF, complete with biking and sunsets and picnics and dancing and hikes and ocean swims and parties.
I could write about the laugh attack I had when Lilia and I attempted to sing an Eagles medley while playing the conga drum and the guitar.
I could write about how I met Vikram Vij and Roland Passot at the Farmer's Market on Saturday.
I could write about the Melon Gazpacho soup I tried there, prepared by the cute chef from One Market.
I could write about how I have a tub of that soup in my refrigerator right now.
I could write about how my cat doesn't wake me up at 7 am anymore, and instead waits until I wake up and scratch her cheeks to start meowing.
I could write about how cute she is when she's napping.
I could write about the $516 I had to pay today to get my car fixed.
I could write about the three new cd's I bought at Amoeba on the way back from the garage.
I could write about how strange it is for me to see Dana King sitting at a desk, on the phone, in front of a computer, just like me, and not on television.
I could write about how I dyed my hair today, and that it's darker now.
I could write about a letter I sent, and one that I didn't.
I could write about the strange e-mail I received from a boy this morning.
I could write about how I'm going to turn 37 years old in a few days.
I could write about how time seems to fly by so quickly.

I could write something about all of these things and more, it's just that I don't really know what to say about them, or if they have meaning for you or for me. So I'll leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

I´m being nosy... tell me about the strange email from a boy. LaXara

Kristin Tieche said...

I can't write it down here. It's too risquée. I'll email you.