Monday, December 22, 2008

why I call myself an ex-Catholic

Because I was baptized and confirmed a Catholic, some people still consider me one, but back in 1989, when I read a news similar to this, I decided I would renounce my religion and excommunicate myself. I've said I would never marry in the Catholic Church and I would never baptize or raise my children Catholic. Having broken up with my prior faith many years ago, I wonder now if I should officially divorce myself as an act of civil disobedience.


Hereward said...

That a man who is voluntarily celibate should look at homosexual behavior as a deviation from the natural order of things simply cracks me up.

Kristin Tieche said...

And that an entire cult buys into his perverse interpretation of faith! Fun party Saturday!

Hereward said...

I mean if they want to get all metaphysical and say that their imaginary friend in the sky hates gays, I'll think less of them but, hey, it's their own weird religion, but to make these kind of Jesuitical arguments reeks of utter bullshit.

Thanks. I had fun, too, even if I can't dance to save my life.

Kristin Tieche said...

Dancing is tough when you're drunk! ;-)

Anonymous said...

The Catholics are supposed to be all forgiving and all loving. He who throws the first stone... right?
The hypocrisy is thick especially with all the priestly scandals.

Anonymous said...

I make fun of the Gay all the time, and I think the article you linked to would be a great piece for the Onion to lampoon...especially the part about "ecology".

Kristin Tieche said...

As in, we need to protect humanity from the Bush?